Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Anthropomorphic Global Warming, Eugenics, and Genocide

This topic is springing up in many venues, some are nicely concealed, too.

I have been watching a National Geographic special entitled “The Universe” every Wednesday evening (at 9PM) and one of them was about the composite history of the Earth. It was pretty good and seemed quite comprehensive but there were a lot of areas where conjecture was presented as fact; that was very disappointing for me. I used to think that the NG was truthfully factual; but I have been disabused of that notion, not only from this one episode, but by many of their shows now.

One particular item of interest was the period of the early history of the Earth that has been dubbed “Snowball Earth”. At this period the entire Earth was supposedly encased in miles of ice from pole to pole. They said it was due to ocean currents (like the Atlantic conveyor) being blocked by continental drift, inhibiting the circulation of warm water causing the ice caps to spread leading to reflecting too much sunlight back into space, leading to further encroachment of ice until the entire planet was covered. Bullshit, absolute bullshit.

First of all there isn’t enough water to cover the entire Earth with miles of ice! If there was, then where did it go? Even melted the Earth would then be completely covered in ocean. Even then, how did it melt? The albedo of all that ice would have perpetuated the condition indefinitely. They said it was the dynamics of the heat at the Earth’s core but if that was the case then it should never have completely frozen to start with.

The Earth may have gone through a period of extreme cold and ice but it couldn’t have cycled through that on its own; surely the sun would have had a major role in what happened? The sun, however, was never mentioned at all during the program, like it has no effect on our climate. That’s when I knew that the entire show was a cover for AGW, just another silly theory that denies the effect of the sun on the Earth’s climate.

We’re being bombarded with subliminal messages like the above to get us all to believe in Algore’s scam. More and more historical programs are being produced that have this message embedded in them that are inexorably pressuring people to ‘get with the program’ and go back to the middle ages’ technologically. The pressure to reduce fossil fuel usage is going to make life hard here but its main thrust is to make life impossible in Africa and other Third-World areas. The thrust of the program (the AGW program) is to reduce the Earth population by at least 50%! It is a Eugenics War hidden in a liberal agenda, getting otherwise good people to do things that will ultimately lead to the single largest Genocide in Earth’s history.

I for one do not wish to be associated with genocide; and I certainly do not wish to be any part of this Global Genocide, hidden behind a propaganda war called Anthropomorphic Global Warming. The Earth has a fever right enough, it’s the fever of a holocaust! This isn’t something that we can just stay out of, either. Like the German people during WWII, those who stood by and let it happen were just as accountable as those who committed it, so too will those now who fail the peoples of today’s world! This is a time where everybody is either helping the extermination of more than three billion people or fighting against it; there is no middle ground with something this big. Ignorance is no excuse either, not in the information age it isn’t.

Perhaps I’m overstating things? Have you seen the news out of Africa lately? Even though, or perhaps because, the UN has Peacekeeping Forces are there, thousands of people a month are being slaughtered. Genocidal wars are rampant; Islamofascists are having a field day, poverty is deplorable; but simple power plants are denied to those people (so medical supplies are not only in pathetically short supply but due to the lack of electricity, and by extension refrigeration, they can’t be kept long enough to be dispensed with), and their arable land is being used to grow bio-fuel rather than food for consumption in the midst of famine. Their natural resources are exploited without compensation to the people who should own them, while these deplorable conditions are promoted to distract the world from the thievery. Instead of doing anything about it we’re all wringing our collective hands about carbon emissions! What about all these blood emissions?

Try pricing solar-electric panels to make your home energy independent and you’ll quickly find that paying the Utility company their monthly tribute is cheaper than doing that; but that’s the ‘solution’ the Africans are told to pursue for their energy needs. Nice, isn’t it, telling the poorest people on the face of the planet that their only hope is the most expensive route! That’s telling them that they have absolutely no hope at all. Now we have to use florescent lights by 2012 to save energy!

I saw a better program on the History Channel last night, though. It seems that several prophecies made thousands of years ago and from all parts of the globe: from Central America (Myan), to China (I-Ching) to the Pueblo’s of N. America and others have all agreed that the world, as we know it at least, will end on December 21, 2012. The scary part is that they were that specific, too, right down to the day; so I don’t think florescent lights will be our biggest problem. When the world ends and we have to answer for our lives to our Maker, what will we tell Him that we did about this Global Genocide? I don’t know for sure but I have a feeling that saying ‘I didn’t know about it’ will not work. It isn’t like it’s a big secret, the headlines are there, the perpetrators are known, the people are dying. How can we deny it?

I’m spreading the word and looking for other things to do. Elections are another way; it isn’t so much about democrat vs republican as it is about liberal vs the people. It’s the liberals in government, elected and appointed, that are perpetuating this crisis and they need to be replaced. We need to forget selfish causes and petty hatreds and get people who are realistic about dealing with real problems and stop these people who want to be seen as Pollyanna’s selling us sugar water as a cure for all ills while the world bleeds real blood!

I'm mad as hell and I'll do whatever I can to stop this hell on Earth now!

Comments welcome; pro-active ones are solicited!


There is a virtuous fear which is the effect of faith, and a vicious fear which is the product of doubt and distrust. The former leads to hope as relying on God, in whom we believe; The latter inclines to despair, as not relying on God, in whom we do not believe.Persons of the one character fear to lose God; those of the other character fear to find Him.--Pascal

“Democracies are most commonly corrupted by the insolence of demagogues.” —Aristotle

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” – Marcus Aurelius

Veritas vos Liberabit!

God Bless America, it needs it!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Tyranny of Clintons

Yes, a tyranny of Clintons, like a gaggle of geese, of a bunch of grapes, a bevy of beauties, the collective form for team Clinton is a tyranny of them.

I just finished watching "Waco - Rules of engagement" which also reminded us of Ruby Ridge, which lead this thinker to remember Elian Gonzales, the little boy that the Clinton administration refused to wait for a court ordered hearing before shipping him off to Cuba. The rule of law has no meaning for the Clintons other than other people should adhere to their words as law.

It is bad enough here with bloated, bureaucratic police agencies running rampant on Americans without having unrestrained egomaniacal leadership wielding them like a whip on our backsides.

The Branch Davidians were not a cult, as such, but just this group that had been around since the thirties, an offshoot of the Mormons. It was more a bible study group that was about the Seven Seals spoken of in the Book of Revelations of St John. People there lived a communal life, maintained a farm and made money for their other needs by selling produce and dealing in firearms. That, in fact, is what many or most of their guns were, collectables that were bought and sold for a profit at gun shows.

As to the BATF serving them a warrant to investigate their guns there was two problems: First, why didn't they just walk up to the front door and serve the warrant? The Davidians had been served warrants several times over the years, mostly to investigate how the children were being treated and educated. The sheriff was in the documentary and said they were good people and there were no problems with the kids as far as Social Services could ascertain nor from questioning the children either.

The second problem relates to what feel was the real reason that BATF was harassing them in the first place, and that was because BATF had already lost a court case against the Davidians concerning their guns and BATF had to return those guns to the Davidians. BATF doesn't like loosing and decided to get even and get some publicity at the same time. It all backfired on them, at least the publicity did, anyway. Those Davidians who made it out alive were exonerated in court for the murder of the BATF agents, too; so it seems BATF nearly lost all around, except of course that over 90% of the Davidians were dead, including the children.

Speaking of the children, the FBI and BATF only started talking about 'saving the children from the cultists” after several weeks had already gone by and none of their warrants stated anything about the children either.

Jack Booted Thugs is exactly what they, the BATF, were down near Waco, TX, motivated by a tyrannical White House.

So, after running roughshod over America for eight years, raping anyone who came near the President, and molested again by his wife if they dared to complain, and pillaging whatever they could, including the White House on their way out; the Clintons want back in and a lot of people think that's a good idea.

Think what you will about the current President, he has not attacked the American People; all he's actually done is protect us from World-Wide Terrorism; the Clintons, on the other hand, attacked Americans individually, personally and in groups using all the weapons available to a President (as well as one given to him at birth).

What this country does not need is another Tyranny of Clintons!


There is a virtuous fear which is the effect of faith, and a vicious fear which is the product of doubt and distrust. The former leads to hope as relying on God, in whom we believe; The latter inclines to despair, as not relying on God, in whom we do not believe. Persons of the one character fear to lose God; those of the other character fear to find Him.--Pascal

“Democracies are most commonly corrupted by the insolence of demagogues.” —Aristotle

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” – Marcus Aurelius

Veritas vos Liberabit!

God Bless America, it needs it!
