(Cited as Symbol of Abu Ghraib, Man Admits He Is Not in Photo By KATE ZERNIKE
Ali Shalal Qaissi had claimed to be the man in the photograph that has become the international icon of the abuse scandal.)
- from the NYT
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No matter how hard they wish this shit were true, just saying it, over and over, just doesn’t make it so. Didn’t they learn anything from Dan Rather (not)? Of course not, that isn’t their point, is it? Like Joseph Göbbels (Goebbels) always said, “If you tell a lie often enough, no matter how outrageous, people will accept it as fact.” Or, as Wikipedia states it, “His (Joseph Göbbels) primary rules were:
1. never allow the public to cool off;
2. never admit a fault or wrong;
3. never concede that there may be some good in your enemy;
4. never leave room for alternatives;
5. never accept blame;
6. concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong;
7. people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one;
8. and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it. - OSS report page 51 [2]”
- from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lie
Sounds like reading the NYT or, actually, any MSM outlet these days, doesn’t it?
Read more about these insidious tactics at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels - after all, the liberal left does; and it is very important to know how the enemies of America are operating.
More information on one of the ‘big lies’ on WMDs, as another example of that strategy, can be found here: http://patriotpost.us/alexander/print.asp?id=340 – Be sure to read the end to get the point, that this IS their strategy!
Item 4, above, is clearly demonstrated in a lack of alternative plans by the liberal left. They know that the current administration’s plans to win the GWT is valid; but it is their plan! That the resolution to go to war with Iraq was nearly unanimous is clear proof that they knew the reality of the situation; but the reality that they saw was an opportunity to recreate the Vietnam debacle all over again. They have no interest in the security of the nation; they are only interested in opportunities to regain power at any cost. Money, reputations and even the lives of our troops and allies are only tools in their insane quest for power.
Take this latest ‘big lie’ about domestic spying: of course it is essential to know what the enemy is doing during wartime (or at any high-risk time), they know that; but by twisting it and making people believe that the government is spying on them, they continue playing on item 1 of Göbbels’ strategy. The Dubai Ports’ deal was another way to keep the heat on; only now, with a mid-term election coming up, they’re getting help from the right as well.
Keep in mind that there are bad people on both sides of the political isle, it is insanely optimistic to assume that people seek high office for purely altruistic reasons; but the liberal left has an embedded hatred of our republic. They desire, at any cost, to impose a centrally controlled regime of socialism. That socialism, as a political philosophy, has proven to be a failed economic structure throughout the world (The USSR, China, etc.) doesn’t deter them in the least; it’s the centralization of power that they crave. There is no desire to make people’s lives better with their power-lust, they only crave to control every aspect of those lives. That was the same impetus that made the USSR so hard to displace; and for China to be so slow in changing from their equally failed system: the people in charge are so completely addicted to their absolute power, they’d rather see the people in their counties reduced to abject poverty than give up their power over them.
In assessing our (what used to be our) system of free enterprise, one thing is clear: under it, people are encouraged to reach for whatever level of fulfillment they can attain. Under socialism, people are reduced to the lowest common denominator to achieve ‘equality’. In the Declaration of Independence, it is stated that all men are created equal. What that means is that we all have equal rights to grow and be all we can be. It doesn’t mean that everybody is entitled to whatever anybody else has; insofar as material good are concerned.
Inalienable Rights are rights that we have that doesn’t infringe upon other’s rights. My freedom of speech doesn’t cost anybody anything; they can listen or not and they can even exercise theirs to rebut what I say. That isn’t the case where things such as healthcare are concerned though, is it? In order to provide a ‘right’ to healthcare (or housing, or education, etc.) money has to be taken (stolen) from people in order to provide for others. Whereas that may be a desirable goal, it is not to be confused for a RIGHT – it is a redistribution of wealth.
It is also something that the congress is not empowered to do, insofar as the Constitution defines their enumerated powers (Article I, section 8). If, or when, congress imposes this model of healthcare on the people, it will do so by usurping the power of the States and/or of the people. [Note, if this is something you really think the Federal Government should be involved in, ask your congressmen to initiate a Constitutional Amendment to give them the authority to do it. Personally, I don’t like the idea of a federal government with more authority that is granted them now, in the Constitution.]
Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” – But then, Abe Lincoln never met Joseph Göbbels.
Ali Shalal Qaissi had claimed to be the man in the photograph that has become the international icon of the abuse scandal.)
- from the NYT
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No matter how hard they wish this shit were true, just saying it, over and over, just doesn’t make it so. Didn’t they learn anything from Dan Rather (not)? Of course not, that isn’t their point, is it? Like Joseph Göbbels (Goebbels) always said, “If you tell a lie often enough, no matter how outrageous, people will accept it as fact.” Or, as Wikipedia states it, “His (Joseph Göbbels) primary rules were:
1. never allow the public to cool off;
2. never admit a fault or wrong;
3. never concede that there may be some good in your enemy;
4. never leave room for alternatives;
5. never accept blame;
6. concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong;
7. people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one;
8. and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it. - OSS report page 51 [2]”
- from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lie
Sounds like reading the NYT or, actually, any MSM outlet these days, doesn’t it?
Read more about these insidious tactics at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels - after all, the liberal left does; and it is very important to know how the enemies of America are operating.
More information on one of the ‘big lies’ on WMDs, as another example of that strategy, can be found here: http://patriotpost.us/alexander/print.asp?id=340 – Be sure to read the end to get the point, that this IS their strategy!
Item 4, above, is clearly demonstrated in a lack of alternative plans by the liberal left. They know that the current administration’s plans to win the GWT is valid; but it is their plan! That the resolution to go to war with Iraq was nearly unanimous is clear proof that they knew the reality of the situation; but the reality that they saw was an opportunity to recreate the Vietnam debacle all over again. They have no interest in the security of the nation; they are only interested in opportunities to regain power at any cost. Money, reputations and even the lives of our troops and allies are only tools in their insane quest for power.
Take this latest ‘big lie’ about domestic spying: of course it is essential to know what the enemy is doing during wartime (or at any high-risk time), they know that; but by twisting it and making people believe that the government is spying on them, they continue playing on item 1 of Göbbels’ strategy. The Dubai Ports’ deal was another way to keep the heat on; only now, with a mid-term election coming up, they’re getting help from the right as well.
Keep in mind that there are bad people on both sides of the political isle, it is insanely optimistic to assume that people seek high office for purely altruistic reasons; but the liberal left has an embedded hatred of our republic. They desire, at any cost, to impose a centrally controlled regime of socialism. That socialism, as a political philosophy, has proven to be a failed economic structure throughout the world (The USSR, China, etc.) doesn’t deter them in the least; it’s the centralization of power that they crave. There is no desire to make people’s lives better with their power-lust, they only crave to control every aspect of those lives. That was the same impetus that made the USSR so hard to displace; and for China to be so slow in changing from their equally failed system: the people in charge are so completely addicted to their absolute power, they’d rather see the people in their counties reduced to abject poverty than give up their power over them.
In assessing our (what used to be our) system of free enterprise, one thing is clear: under it, people are encouraged to reach for whatever level of fulfillment they can attain. Under socialism, people are reduced to the lowest common denominator to achieve ‘equality’. In the Declaration of Independence, it is stated that all men are created equal. What that means is that we all have equal rights to grow and be all we can be. It doesn’t mean that everybody is entitled to whatever anybody else has; insofar as material good are concerned.
Inalienable Rights are rights that we have that doesn’t infringe upon other’s rights. My freedom of speech doesn’t cost anybody anything; they can listen or not and they can even exercise theirs to rebut what I say. That isn’t the case where things such as healthcare are concerned though, is it? In order to provide a ‘right’ to healthcare (or housing, or education, etc.) money has to be taken (stolen) from people in order to provide for others. Whereas that may be a desirable goal, it is not to be confused for a RIGHT – it is a redistribution of wealth.
It is also something that the congress is not empowered to do, insofar as the Constitution defines their enumerated powers (Article I, section 8). If, or when, congress imposes this model of healthcare on the people, it will do so by usurping the power of the States and/or of the people. [Note, if this is something you really think the Federal Government should be involved in, ask your congressmen to initiate a Constitutional Amendment to give them the authority to do it. Personally, I don’t like the idea of a federal government with more authority that is granted them now, in the Constitution.]
Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” – But then, Abe Lincoln never met Joseph Göbbels.